Now booking Spring & Summer 2025!

The Studio

When you enter the studio, you will find a bright and comfortable atmosphere.

Water are readily available for you to enjoy, and for those of you experiencing a sleepless nights with your newborn, I even offer a comfy couch to nap on.

I provide a spacious restroom for changes of clothing, or for cleaning up glitter and cake. As well as a changing table with a few extra newborn sized diapers for baby.

You are my guest in this space, and I want you to feel relaxed and at home in my studio.


My studio offers a custom designer wardrobe, as well as props for each session.

I have a variety of gowns and dresses for mom, as well as  bonnets, headbands, wraps and outfits for babies age newborn through one year of age.

Backdrops, blankets, and props of all sizes and colors are also available.

I am happy to provide you with everything you might possibly need for your photo session, but I also love it when you provide personal items...hand-made blankets, baby booties, or adorable ultra-sound images. 

These portraits are about you and your amazing family.
Let's create something beautiful together!


Questions on what to expect?

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